Rifeng conducted a student sponsorship project in China

Sep. 26, 2019
In 2018, China's economy grew at a high rate of 6.6 percent, and for the first time, its economic aggregate exceeded 90 trillion RMB. Take 125th Canton fair, which was finished recently, as an example. Its total export turnover has reached 19.95 billion RMB. Is reflects that China are now taking an important role in world economy. But coming back to China itself, if the economy wants to grows sustainably, poverty is an issue that cannot be ignored.

(Education situations in poor area. Classroom of a primary school in Daliang mountain, Southwest Sichuan. Photo Credit from:

The World Bank estimates that, by 2015, poverty rates in China were 0.7 percent. Now In February 2019, the National Bureau of Statistics released a report showing that at the end of 2018, there were 16.6 million people living in poverty in rural areas, which was 13.86 million less than the end of the previous year. All those efforts thanks to the great contribution from all the society.

Talking about education field, a huge gap is existing between urban areas and rural areas. Report from ProjectDaily explained that in China, 60% of students in rural areas drop out before high school and only 5% of rural Chinese students will attend college. China has continued making contributions to develop education for children in poverty areas, especially balancing educational resources between urban and rural areas.

Hope Project is one of the successful charity project conducted in China and had huge influence. A photo taken in 1991, has moved millions of people in China. It shows the eager for knowledge from the eyes and the dream and hope from the child. "Big Eyes" girl became a household name and helped the Hope Project receive donations from different parts of the society. Now the "Big Eyes" girl graduated from college and participated into charity program, try her best to repay the society.

("Big Eyes" poster star Su Mingjuan, a well-known successful case for social aid to impoverished students.Photo creidt from:

With the Hope Project continue across the country, more and more children in poor areas are getting better education chances. China has made great efforts in recent years in reducing the poverty and is continuing to do so, but still it is a long way to go.

Rifeng, As one one of the biggest Global Supplier of Piping System,  our products are widely used in China, but as a company, we do make our social responsibilities widely spread in China.

Summer for students is a season that they can dream for the new school life, but not all of them can have this chance to dream about it. In China, there are 3 millions students facing financial problem for entering university.  In August 2019, a public welfare program was conducted by Rifeng. We went through over 20 cites, providing education sponsorship to more than 64 pre-university students who were financially difficult in China. Those students have huge possibility and bright future, with our love and support they can go further.

(Dingnan Middle School in Ganzhou offered Rifeng a title of philanthropic enterprise)
Yin from Yuannan province,  he got a good score in college entrance examination and has already received the official offer from Clinical school of medicine, Peking University. He should be happy and preparing for his school life, but now he was desperate.  Yin’s father was suffering from diabetes, medication and  insulin should be taken for long time which need quite a mount of money. His mother got injured by accident which makes her can not do labour work anymore. With a big dream of university, Yin asked for help from Rifeng. Rifeng gave a quick respond, lighting a light for the Yin on his way to university and helping him move forward.
“First of all, I would like to thank Rifeng group for their help when I was in trouble. I will study hard in the college and actively participate in volunteer activities. After graduation, I will use what I have learned to repay the society and continue to pass on this love” said by Yin. Rifeng firmly believes that this student with both talent and diligence can grow into a pillar of the country in the future through his own efforts.

(Sponsorship offered from Rifeng to pre-university students)
“On the basis of not affecting my study, I am willing to do part-time job and study at the same time. Of course, I will also try my best to get the scholarship”said by Zeng xinhai. “If possible, I will take postgraduate degree, learn more and help my family out of difficulties and live a happy life” This year, Zeng xinhai was admitted to North West Agriculture and Forestry University with a score of 633. However, his mother's income could not afford the high tuition and miscellaneous fees of the university. 

After knowing Zeng Xinhai family situation, Rifeng took an initiative action and  asked if he would like to use this summer holiday, having a part-time experience in local Rifeng store. Zeng agreed without thinking. During his part-time working, Zeng Xinhai showed a strong work enthusiasm and the spirit of the bear hardships. We also got to know his persistence and desire for study.

For those students who work hard and never give up, Rifeng never hesitate to offer our help and support. While growing, Rifeng has never forgotten its responsibility to give back to the society in various ways and bring love and hope to those poor students who really need help and dream of university.

Rifeng hopes to spread the positive spirit with actions. Poverty is temporary and will not ultimately destroy a family. However, the help Rifeng provided gave warmth and hope to these families.
(Rifeng’s staff and local agents in Huanggang city, Hubei Province)
Throughout this project, we received a lot of encouragement and support from the community. Also the tough and fearless from those students make us keep going. From this project, after knowing about a lot of difficult situations happened in different part of China, Rifeng understands that we should act an important role in social responsibility and contribute to the society. Rifeng correctly demonstrated how an enterprise fulfills its responsibilities and obligations and how to gives back to the society.

For Rifeng, public interest is not only solving the problem for families with financial difficult, but hoping that through our own efforts, encourage more enterprises, institutions and individuals to attach their great importance to the education development. 

Rifeng aims to providing high quality and safe piping products for home construction. But people are the core of home and society. That’s why we take sincerely action to care about people and society. We believe that not only our products can make your home full of comfort and happiness, but also love and people can.

Together with us, Rifeng can give you a better future.

(Poster for this sponsorship project)
